Costillas and salsa barbacoa

Costillas en salsa barbacoa


2 kg of entry cost

4 days ago

1 cup of pimienta del reino

1 cup of olive oil

3 days of laurel


2 cups of salt

8 cups of salsa barbacoa

Modify to prepare:

Amara in 4 days of the year, sal, and they are extended to the carne, aggregating the pimienta del Reino, the romero and the hojas of laurel and the aceite of oliva

Color the costillas from the templada of a large plastic bag and all the ones that never happened, in the marinar for 12 hours

Desire this time, withdraw the costillas from the plastic bag and the color in a horn band with the liquid product lasting 12 hours

Cupra with aluminum paper and all the horn for one hour and media a 180º

After 1 hour and the media and remove the aluminum paper and a barbacoa salsa for today's costillas, continue pincelando the salsa for 15 minutes

Get the cost for more than one hour on 180º media.

Costillas en salsa barbacoa

Costillas and salsa barbacoa Costillas and salsa barbacoa Reviewed by EL KATIBI MARIA on October 13, 2023 Rating: 5

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